Many Lone Star products defy all attempts to group them neatly. The reason is probably that the distribution channels for some lines were different from others. Once such item was the long-running Routemaster bus, similar in appearance and construction to the Tuf-Tots version but to a larger scale. The body was cast in two halves as if the bus had been sliced down the middle of the roof, a procedure which allowed the body shell and the interior fittings to be included together in the same mould. The Routemaster was, of course, usually in the red livery of London Transport, and its white plastic tyres and wheel hubs were borrowed from the 1:50 Roadmaster American cars. The London bus has always been a popular souvenir line, and the Lone Star model, like the Budgie Toys version, was designed with this market in mind. (From the book Lonestar, The Toy Company and Its Model Cars, by Andrew Ralston)